Kafka tool – A Tool To Monitor Your Pega Kafka Cluster(s)

The below picture gives a quick snapshot of partitions and data messages of those partitions along with other important details.


  1. Install Offset Explorer
  2. Create A Queue Processor & Processing Logics

Installation of Offset Explorer

                This was known as the Kafka tool. You can kafkatool.com to install this as per the installation guide.

Once installed, let’s try to connect to your own Pega Kafka cluster as below

Click Ping to test the port.

Optional – If you are failing to connect to the cluster using the root folder then use the bootstrap connection string to connect. You can find this string in your Kafka config in the Pega installation directory.

Once installed and configure then create a queue process and queue logic before we proceed on the below steps.

If you would like to understand more details about how Kafka processes the queued messages and which partition takes care of which messages, then you must learn about the below steps.

  • Create a Queue Processor.
  • Push more than a message in the created processor.
  • Click receive messages to view the queued messages in the offset explorer.
  • You can view as below the partitions named 2 & 0 are processed the queued messages.
  • You can drill down further by clicking each Partition to view the details of each processed message as shown below
  • By default, each message is byte array encoded. You can view the display value to ‘string’ to view some parts of the message as below


This is a simplified operation when you do not have folder access to view Kafka data or want to monitor the processing of the data.

There are other tools or you can write your Java program to connect to these Kafka clusters to view data. But this is a no-code tool to get the job done 😊

Published by Kondal

I am fervently dedicated to unleashing the potential of low-code platforms to revolutionize world-class business operations. This thriving community aims to be a guiding light for individuals seeking to harness the transformative power of these platforms, especially those who currently lack mentorship. Together, we aspire to empower and uplift every member, ensuring that no one is left behind in the dynamic landscape of innovation and business excellence